Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Expected Visit?!?

The dream of this morning I could have told you last week if the blog existed… It 'a dream I did several times whose beginning is always the same even if it has different developments or details…

I am in my room preparing me to go out, when my mother comes and says to me that a person came to visit me…It is a friend of mine (note that I did not have the slightest idea who is him…that is, I know that it is one of my friend in the dream but I do not know who is in the reality). He tells me: "I came across just to visit you, did you mind I didn’t call you before to tell you I was coming?"… He makes always this question every time I make this dream…And my answer is always the same: “Never mind, actually I told you to come whenever you wanted to…”.
Now we are in the garden and he shows me a newspaper: there is the picture of a man with his entire arm tattooed. He tells me that he wants to do the same tattoo, but I tell him he better not because I do not like it (in reality I like tattoos, but not that one in the picture). A strange thing is that together with the newspaper (it was ‘L’espresso’, a journal I even never bought in my life!!) there was the DVD Pirates of Caribbean.
He continues to show me see this newspaper as we approach to my car (in the dream I am sure that it is my car even if in the reality is not…). The car is parked in front of my house, its muzzle pointing to the right, and has already turned on the engine ready to go… I enter… My friend continues to talk, but I am not listening to him anymore, I leave him there in the garden saying: "Sorry, but now I have to go to pick up my father ".

End of dream! All the other times it was very similar… Maybe there was not the tattoo neither the DVD and the things my "friend" shown me were different ... But the dialogue "I'm came without calling you before…Never mind, it was me to tell you to come whenever you wanted to… " and the car already turned on and ready to leave are always there! I really like to know whether or not these things have a meaning!

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